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英文版桌面壁掛非接觸WIFI4G語音播報高溫警告通道紅外自動測溫儀 - 自助終端機|智能訪客機|軟件開發(fā)|電子硬件PCBA控制板開發(fā)|深圳市博奧智能科技有限公司 - 自助終端機|智能訪客機|軟件開發(fā)|電子硬件PCBA控制板開發(fā)|深圳市博奧智能科技有限公司

電     話:0755-23129312
手     機:13632514967微信同號
銷     售:徐先生
微     信:boaozn  旺旺:boaozn
Q      Q:  17921285
地     址:深圳市龍華區(qū)清湖科技園B棟A區(qū)9層


1. 采用醫(yī)學級工業(yè)測溫探頭,可以7*24小時不間斷測溫。
2. 采用精準的激光測距,將測距的探頭與測溫的平行,測溫距離小于等于0.3米;
3. 檢測速度:小于等于0.2秒。檢測精度:±0.2攝氏度
4. 測溫面板上增加了指示燈,讓人可以做比較顯性的配合,確定測溫在什么距離一定能檢測到的,指示燈正好就是35度0.3米的燈環(huán);
5. 可測量人體手腕、額頭、手掌等部位,快速測溫;
6. 支持各國及各地方方言的自定義語音播報、高溫警告;
7. 支持有線網(wǎng)絡/WIFI/4G聯(lián)網(wǎng)到防疫指揮中心平臺及第三方平臺;
8. 支持232/485/usb接口,支持各門禁機、第三方設備對接。
9. 可選支持人臉比對攝像機實現(xiàn)一人一檔,可選支持兩個開關量輸出,體溫正常一號輸出,體溫異常二號輸出。
10. 安裝靈活方便,低功耗,可通過移動電源實現(xiàn)移動式測溫。
  • 產(chǎn)品詳情
  • 產(chǎn)品規(guī)格

    Product introduction                  

         Due to the new crown epidemic situation, public equipment should avoid contact cross infection as much as possible; this product uses non-contact medical grade special probes and precise laser ranging; unique dual sensors, advanced intelligent temperature measurement algorithm combining distance data, to achieve accurate palm temperature detection; efficient and fast temperature measurement;

       Through the 7-inch visual terminal, built-in Android system, display the measured temperature value and voice broadcast. When the test temperature reaches or exceeds "37.30", it will display the temperature abnormality and send out the alarm sound;

        The linkage on the temperature measurement panel, the normal temperature linkage blue light and the buzzer ring once, the opening signal is generally output when the No.1 relay is turned on, the red light and the buzzer ring continuously when the temperature is abnormal, and the alarm light and the alarm bell are generally output when the No.2 relay is turned on, because the upper logic such as Android system is not involved, the response speed is obviously much faster.To sum up, the speed can be 0.1s, but considering the continuous stability of temperature measurement results, it is recommended to set it to 0.2S.

       Support networking function, and directly transmit data to emergency command center through wired network or 4G / WiFi network;

    1、 Medical grade industrial temperature probe

    With the probe imported from Germany, by distance of 5-15 cm it can reach the accuracyof 0.1-0.2 degree of medical grade.Industrial grade probe can work continuously for 24 hours, and there is no limit on the number of launches of the probe.One of the most important reasons why a consumer grade Potable Thermometer should be gun type is that the accuracy of the probe of the Potable Thermometer will gradually decline when it is used hundreds of thousands of times.The original forehead temperature gun is generally used in the home environment, and there is no effect on the weekly or monthly measurement.But for commercial occasions, the number of thousands of tests a day is basically not applicable.

    2、 Man machine separation and self-service temperature measurement

        The biggest problem of Potable Thermometer is one shot by one hand. If a confirmed person is detected, the gun holder is quite likely to be reinfected. Once he or she becomes asymptomatic, it may affect most of the people in a community, a school and become super communicators.We use fixed-point or mobile self-service temperature measurement points. The process of temperature measurement does not need close contact by security personnel, but only needs to show concern in the range of 15-30 meters. Only the abnormal personnel can handle it on site.

    3 Online big data early warning for epidemic prevention





電     話:0755-23129312
手     機:13632514967微信同號
銷     售:徐先生
微     信:boaozn  旺旺:boaozn
Q      Q:  17921285
地     址:深圳市龍華區(qū)清湖科技園B棟A區(qū)9層
